Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Frantic, Frenzy and Fantastic!!!

Life is blowing by us so fast...... With our life everything seems to be scheduled!! Soccer, Hockey, school, work.... shall I go on? I guess I wouldn't change a thing. The kids are happy, the school year has begun and all seems well and I am back to working more than part time. But again, it feels good. Fantastic even.

I have to say I participated in a fabric swap this past month and received a great big box from my fellow swapper. Angela Harris !! Wow, I got so many cool fabrics. Vintage, pieces - and WAY more than the required 1 yard. I have made the cutest frenchy purse by Amy Butler from the coolest vintage style fabric.

So right now I am at Honda Autofair waiting for my car to get new brakes. I really wanted to be home sewing and creating but... brakes are a bit more important than pocketbooks.

So the picture above is just random - I love doors and this one jumped right out at me. It is in Hillsborough NH and on this little side road to the park where my daughter played soccer and I knew I had to snap this picture. Now I felt like a stalker because I stayed in my car and snapped the picture as soon and quick as I could before I got caught and kicked out. But I can't imagine a person with a bright and sunny yellow door would be a "meanie". But you never know.

Friday, August 29, 2008

The Weekend is HERE!!

This is the last weekend before all the kids go back to school.

My beautiful daughter Chloe is off to 7th grade, she made the school soccer team and can't wait to start school. She is maturing right before my eyes.

Callahan my second son is already playing hockey and will be starting middle school. I can't believe my "little boy" will be off to the big kids school. He just doesn't seem big enough. But it was just like yesterday that Cam was at the same school and so little. Now he is a big kid.

And my creative, exciting, exuberant smallest daughter and the baby of the family will be heading off to 3rd grade. She loves school and always cries when it is done.

I will be working part time and getting ahead of my crafting. I want to sew and create and can't wait.

So until then, we will relax this last long weekend and enjoy our last days of summer.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Summer is fading away Quickly.......


Have you ever blinked and realized how fast summer goes? Have you seen your sweet babies in your arms and all of a sudden they are looking at you right in the eyes because they have grown all of 6 inches in a year... I have. From that baby you held to this..........

My son Cameron is off to high school this week. He is your typical teen, doesn't think I am cool, doesn't want to talk to me unless he needs something. But I love him from the deepest part of my soul. He began this family of 4 beautiful children and how did we top perfection? By starting all over again and creating 3 other incredible children. Each different in their own way - each special and incredible. I send all my children back to school within 2 weeks and don't know what I am going to do. I think I will take a deep breath, let it out and remember his sweet little baby person in my arms in the middle of the night, wishing he would grow up just a little bit more to see what an incredible person he would be... Be careful what you wish for I guess.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Sunday, July 27, 2008


I just got back from a great BBQ at a friends house on the lake. It was fabulous. The kids were swimming, the adults were hanging and everyone was happy. Then a few thunder storms came through and it ended pretty quickly. But a very laid back party and fun.

I just stumbled on another blog today and it is so fun and creative. You will have to check it out - she is a designer of fabrics and has SEVEN children and she looks all about 20 years old. She has some great genes to pass onto that beautiful family. So stop by and check out Lila at Lila Tueller Designs


Well vacation is nearing and I am hoping to kick back and do alot of creating - yes I want to bring my sewing machine with me. But... we will see what the kids let me do.... they often NEED all of my attention.
These flippys are from coldwater creek and I just love them. My girlfriend KB bought a pair for me after I ooooohed and awwwed when I saw hers. I think that because I will wear them so much that after I am through with them I will make myself a bracelet for me and my BF Brenda with the beads. Won't they look just beautiful???

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Where is the summer going????

I am not so sure but the summer is slipping through my fingers. With 4 kids and each and everyone of them having somewheres to go, whether it is an appointment or a game or a friends. So in between me trying to work part time, and all the other mom stuff. We are half way through the summer. YIKES.....

My goal is to do some creative things like sewing, Jewelry making and anything else that will make me happy....

Softball is over, (Yup that is my Chloe at bat during her ALL STAR season), baseball is over and soccer and hockey and the dreaded (school) will begin real soon.

I just entered this great fabric swap over at Marvelous Mouse Designs Check it out - the blog button is on the page now.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

April Showers Bring May Flowers.......

This is the third day of showers but everything is soooooo green. The flowers will be absolutely beautiful once this all stops.

Ok, it is now 2008 and life is VERY busy.

What makes me happy these days? Eleanor and Beatrice our kitty's. They kitty's have grown and have added so much love to our country home.

I have started sewing ALOT and bags are so much fun to make. Once I get a few more made I will post to my new Etsy - http://www.etsy.com/ site. It will be great and I might even take custom orders.

Have a great Tuesday and have fun with whatever you do....